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Salary survey

A photo of the Story Bridge in Brisbane city at dusk

Salary Survey Report

Not surprisingly, the most common question that lawyers have in their careers is this: how much should I be getting paid as a lawyer? To help Queensland lawyers answer that question (and many more!), we’ve created the 2024 Queensland Legal Salary survey.

Download the Salary Report Now

How Much Should Queensland Lawyers Get Paid?

Whether you’re hunting for a new job, or just looking to be well informed in time for mid-year reviews, knowing what the market says about how much your firm should be paying you is a critical piece of information.

But it’s not always as simple as asking “how much should a 3-year post-admission lawyer get paid”.

There are many more factors to throw into the mix.

A third year lawyer in a top-tier firm in Sydney isn’t necessarily going to be paid the same as a third year lawyer in a small firm in central Queensland.

For that reason, trying to rely on interstate data and then wave a magic wand to come up with Queensland relevant figures isn’t going to work.

We’ve gone straight to the Queensland market, and have produced the only Queensland focused legal salary survey that exists.

A Legal Salary Survey Needs Reliable Sources, Reliable Data

To ensure that YOU can trust the data in our legal salary survey we teamed up with Queensland Young Lawyers to put together the survey itself, compile the data and produce relevant and important information for your legal career.

If you couldn’t trust the data in our salary report to be accurate, then we wouldn’t be putting our name on it.

Salary Surveys Aren’t Just About Money

While salary might seem like the biggest question to ask, it’s not the only question.

Working conditions, area of law, size of firm, location of your work, flexible working hours and many more factors are increasingly relevant when you’re trying to figure out your next career opportunity.

So, our salary survey report tells you not just about the dollars and cents, but also about what you can expect work to be like.

Is getting a bonus normal, or not? Is parental leave on offer everywhere, or are some firms going above and beyond? Should you expect to be able to work from home?

These additional questions form important parts of the decision making process, and so our legal salary survey report includes that information and more, to help you understand what the legal market has to offer, and whether or not your current employer is delivering on the things that matter most to you.

Track Historical Data

While it’s great to have up to date information, and our 2024 legal salary survey report will give that to you, sometimes you might want to check what the trends are and what’s come before.

If you’re interested, you can download our 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 legal salary survey report by clicking the relevant year.

Get your Free Copy of our 2024 Legal Salary Survey Report

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Either way, click the button below and enter your details to get a free copy of the 2024 legal salary survey report.

Download the Salary Report

Our track record

Peter and Ross have the industry know-how to not only meet, but exceed my expectations. They deliver time and time again the highest calibre candidates, ticking all the boxes. I can trust that when they say they have found someone, I won't be disappointed.

Human Resources Director, National Law Firm

I was fortunate enough to meet with Peter and Ross at a Queensland Young Lawyers seminar, where they spent some time going through strategies for performance reviews. Until that point, I found those reviews to be overwhelming. With their advice in mind, I feel like I have been able to manage performance reviews with a sense of purpose, and to achieve the results I need. I am grateful Peppercorn Recruitment go beyond the traditional recruitment model, and can assist with overall career progression.

Junior Lawyer, Queensland Young Lawyers member

In my first meeting with Peter and Ross I was fairly new to the market and uncertain about my career path while transitioning into a brand new market. They were direct and straightforward in our discussions while demonstrating a unique ability to offer creative solutions to career planning. I appreciated not only their market knowledge, but their understanding of working conditions, career goals and the specific issues that arise for lawyers at various stages in their careers. In my view this set them apart from any other recruiters I had previously dealt with. I have an implicit trust in Peter and Ross and continue to rely on them for their insight and feedback.

Senior Legal Counsel, In-house

I soon discovered the benefit of going through Peppercorn Recruitment when I received a personalised response to my initial enquiry. Having only applied for a particular advertised position, Peppercorn Recruitment took the time to discuss my personal circumstances and aspirations to make a significant career move. Despite my firm of choice not having any advertised positions Ross approached that firm on my behalf, and in a matter of days secured an interview. From the first contact all the way through the interview process and contract negotiations until my first day in my new role, Ross continued to provide advice and support. I do not hesitate in recommending the Peppercorn Recruitment guys to my colleagues. In all seriousness this was not that difficult to write. Happy as a pig in shit here.

Senior Associate, Insurance, Queensland Law Firm

Due to his relationship with one of the leading law firms in Brisbane, Ross was able to place me in a role, that was created for me. Ross identified the group in which I now work, was lacking a particular skill set, which I could bring. My new employer agreed. It is the best career move I have made.

Partner, Property, National Law Firm

Peter has placed me in my last two positions. Peter has given me invaluable long term career guidance throughout my career. With Peter's knowledge of the legal industry, Peter has given me guidance on strategic career moves with a position to specialise in a new area and then recently a new role to advance my position to higher levels. I highly recommend Peter to give trusted career advice.

Senior Associate, Property, National Law Firm

I was very impressed with the service and advice I received from Peter at Peppercorn. I was looking to move from the public sector into private practice and Peter was willing to explore ways to promote my skills and experience in a new job market. Other recruiters were not as open to what I could offer private firms. Peter took the time to find me real opportunities.

Peter helped my secure a position with a top tier firm. I could not be happier with my experience with Peppercorn Recruitment. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to explore the next stage in their career.

Senior Employment Lawyer, Top Tier Law Firm

Peppercorn Recruitment take a considered and professional approach to servicing our legal recruitment briefs and demonstrate an exceptional understanding of the legal market. As known professionals in identifying high quality legal talent, both Ross and Peter provide exceptional support to us and take considerable time to understand our business; working as a true business partner with the firm to attract high quality legal talent. Our professional relationship continues to strengthen and I would highly recommend Peppercorn Recruitment in the provision of legal recruitment services.

Human Resources Manager, International Law Firm

Peppercorn Recruitment understands our business and without exception has delivered outstanding and ‘fit for purpose’ candidates for our consideration. It is a comfort knowing the Partners of Peppercorn Recruitment have a legal background and we think this assists their ability to recommend the best candidates.

General Counsel, National Not-For-Profit Organisation

I wanted to change industries within law but didn't know where to start. Peter and Ross were able to guide me through the steps, with a long term strategy in mind. They had up to date salary and market information, and were able to discretely establish several opportunities for me to pursue. Importantly, I really feel like as former lawyers, they "got" the industry and the pressures and challenges which are unique to that. I happily recommend Peppercorn Recruitment to my peers.

Junior Lawyer, Insurance, Brisbane Law Firm